Opaque parsing is a technique whereby elements in an XML document can be minimally processed. 不透明解析是一种技术,通过该技术可以最低限度地处理XML文档中的元素。
I've used manual parsing of command-line arguments in this article, since it was relatively simple, in this case, and to demonstrate the technique. 我在本文对命令行参数进行了手工解析,因为在这个例子中它相对简单,同时也是为了演示技术。
Canonical LR Parsing Algorithm Based on State Backtracking Technique 基于状态回朔技术的规范LR分析算法
With the execution of these semantic routines, some work such as type checking, intermediate code generation and optimization can be done, which makes the parsing algorithm a full and significative parsing technique. 通过执行语义动作,就可以进行类型检查、中间代码生成及优化等相关工作,使得该算法成为完整的扩展文法分析技术,并在实际运用中成为可能。
Simplifying the LR Parsing Table Construction Technique with the Sub-parsing Table Method 采用子表方法简化LR语法分析表的构造
Data-Oriented Parsing ( DOP) technique is a kind of probabilistic parsing strategy. The main goal of DOP model is to find the most probable parse for a given input sentence, that is, parse disambiguation. 面向数据的分析技术(Data-OrientedParsing,DOP)是一种概率分析策略,其概率模型的主要目的在于为一个给定的句子找到最可能的分析,即分析消歧。
Research on XML Secure and Fast Parsing Technique XML安全快速解析技术研究
DOM is a kind of tree-like parsing technique, which constructs an integrated parsing tree in the EMS memory, through which the overall dynamic accessing to the whole XML document can be achieved. DOM是一个基于树型的解析技术,它在内存中构建了一棵完整的解析树。它可以实现对整个XML文档全面动态的访问。
In order to quick parsing XML document, the research of XML parsing technique has become a hot topic for current research. 为了更快的解析XML文档,XML解析技术的研究成为了当前的热点话题。
After that, the paper introduces a new method of intrusion detection that based on data resolving and parsing for sequence of characteristic information, or technique of intrusion detection based on resolving FSM and parse tree. 在此基础上,提出了基于数据解析和特征信息序列语法分析的入侵检测技术,也可称为基于解析自动机和检测分析树的入侵检测技术。
This paper provides an architect of a H.323 IP Phone Monitor System and focuses on signal protocol parsing technique. 论文提供了一个对基于H.323的IP电话系统进行监听的系统架构,并重点介绍了IP电话监听系统的协议解析技术。
Since it is the combo of IDS and justice parsing technique, it will be instructive for the dynamic forensics of computer crime. 该模型将入侵检测系统与司法分析技术有机结合,它的提出对计算机犯罪的动态取证有一定指导意义。
The goal of this paper is to recognize the boundaries of prepositional phrases automatically without introducing parsing technique. 本文研究的目标是:在不引进复杂的句法分析的条件下实现介词短语边界的自动识别,期望其作为句法分析预处理的一部分为句法分析提供一定的帮助。
With the development of technology of machine translation, the requirements of a full parsing is becoming more and more demanding. Parsing is a basic technique in natural language processing; however, a full parser is usually costly and slow. 随着机器翻译技术的不断发展,对完全句法分析质量的要求也越来越高。